Contact Web Designers Near you

Looking official does not have to be expensive, take a step for your business and enquire with our web designers near you.


4 Fairview Close, Richwood, Cape Town, South Africa, 7441

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    Questions frequently answered

    by web designers near you

    Do you have questions about a Cape Town based Web Designer near you? Check out our FAQ’s and reach out to us if you have more questions.

    How long does it take to design a website?

    The time it takes to build a website varies depending on size and complexity. A basic website could potentially take 2-4 weeks to develop, while larger sites with custom features can take longer. We have to discuss your needs and then we will be able to provide you with a timeline.

    What types of websites can you design?

    We are capable of creating websites that suit most businesses’ needs provided that there is enough of a budget, these websites include but are not limited to blogs, e-commerce platforms, business profiles, portfolio sites, and more. Bear in mind that certain website consist of thousands of pages.

    Will the website be mobile-friendly?

    Yes, we have a standard and are well aware that majority of internet users browse the internet on their cellphones. Therefore, all websites developed by us are designed with responsive design principles.

    How much does a website cost?

    To get a quote for your web project, please contact us to discuss your specific requirements, so that we may provide you with a customized proposal.

    How much does a web page cost?

    If you would like to get a ballpark figure together for a basic website then a good rule of thumb is that a basic web page from us without any custom features or SEO work costs R500. However, this price excludes the setup and web server preparation costs.

    How do I contact Elf Sites?
    Programmers are mysterious creatures who often stow away from social interaction and hide under tables when their phones ring. However, there’s a form to the right, please fill in your details and one of our friendly consultants will be in touch shortly.